WhatsApp Voice Calling on Android now available for all without invite

WhatsApp started rolling out voice calling feature for Android users earlier this year. It was 

available only as invite-only option that opened occasionally, which required a person who 

already have calling feature to call you to unlock it. Now, after the latest version (2.12.19) 

that can be side-loaded on your phone, everyone using Android smartphones can enjoy 

WhatsApp calling without invites. We tried it on several smartphones, including 

smartphones running on Android Jelly Bean.

As we said earlier, the call quality is decent on WiFi, but on 3G and 2G it was not the best. 

This might improve over time. WhatsApp calling feature is currently available only on 

Android. It is expected to roll out to other platforms soon. WhatsApp is yet to launch 

WhatsApp calling officially. Since it is available for everyone, the announcement is expected 



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